Here we will be using CouchDB (developer-preview 2.0). You can build couchDB with preview guide line in here.
After built is success, you can start couchDB from 'dev/run'
Above command starts a three node cluster on the ports 15984, 25984 and 35984. Front ports are 15986, 25986 and 35986.
Using front port to check the nodes by http://localhost:15986/nodes
Then run the haproxy
HAProxy is providing load balancing and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications by spreading requests across multiple servers/nodes
haproxy -f rel/haproxy.cfg
Now look at Fauxton
If your in windows you can follow this post for to build it.
cd src/fauxton
run two below lines
npm install
grunt dev
Go to http://localhost:8000
Adding Document
Now time to enjoy fauxton UI for couchDB, it is the times explore the couch features in more interactive manner.
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