Estimation for Software project development is the process of predicting the most realistic amount of effort (expressed in terms of person-hours or money) required to develop or maintain software based on incomplete, uncertain and noisy input.
In this post give some basic on JAVA Stream API which is added in Java 8. It works very well in conjunction with lambda expressions. Pipeline of stream operations can manipulate data by performing operations like search, filter, count, sort, etc.
The Lifecycle Management(LCM) plays a major role in SOA Governance. WSO2 Governance Registry Lifecycle Management supports access control at multiple levels in lifecycle state.
Enterprise Data Integration is a broad term used in the integration landscape to connect multiple Enterprise applications and hardware systems within an organization. All these enterprise data integration lead to achieve to remove the complexity by simplifying data management as a whole.
Post is very basic one, Since Talend is all about data integration. Finding a BigDecimal [1] in such data set is very common.
BigDecimal VS Doubles
A BigDecimal is an exact way of representing numbers. A Double has a certain precision.
Vehicles registration services using REST services on government TAX department system. That REST services give the TAX information for the Vehicle.
{"Tax": {"Amount": 58963}}
Vehicles registration Depart planning to extend the service and expose as below.
Data integration is the combination of technical and business processes used to combine data from disparate sources into meaningful and valuable information. Today some systems may store data in a denormalized form and data integration tools able handle those.
There is few thing that make my work enjoyable with WSO2 ESB as it provides support for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) payloads in messages. It is not very new feature and it old feature.
Working on an Alienvault IDS system or OSSIM you can come across over huge amount of alarms are created will system migrations.
If you’re familiar with SEIM tools or OSSEC, then you know syscheck. Syscheck is the integrity checking daemon within OSSEC. It’s purpose is simple, identify and report on changes within the system files.
Triggering action over the event occurrence in OSSIM is going to explain in this article.
There is agent in the system with IP, Email is to be send to server admins whenever this agent disconnect and reconnect to SEIM server.
We need to have extra user data field on our security event. We need to know
event occurred time Host Server IP Editing particular event on ‘/etc/ossim/agent/plugins/ossec-single-line.cfg’. We can achieve it. We are interest on Web group and ID 0030. We added below line as our need.
Pre request
Test OSSEC new log from ‘ossec-logtest’
Here is the custom created rules.
In here I am using well known decoder in OSSEC if you need new OSSEC decoder you can write new decoder also [1]. Add new file to rules directory in OSSEC.
Creating new OSSEC rule set
$ vi var/ossec/rules/custom_access_rules.xml
In here I am interest to monitor web user behavior model.
In OSSEC, the rules are classified in multiple levels from the lowest (00) to the maximum level 16. But some levels are not used right now and below explain level details.
A brute-force attack consists of an attacker trying many passwords or passphrases with the hope of eventually guessing correctly. The attacker systematically checks all possible passwords and passphrases until the correct one is found.
Unfortunately Windows does not support Fdisk anymore. But there is another good command line tool to solve this problem. DiskPart in windows is useful format unallocated spaces in USB pen.
1. Enter ‘diskpart’ in cmd
Then disk part will start
2. List down storage in PC by
list disk
The Linux kernel in Ubuntu provides a packet filtering system called netfilter, and the traditional interface for manipulating netfilter are the iptables suite of commands. The Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw) is a frontend for iptables and is particularly well-suited for host-based firewalls.
Count line when words has been matched
$ grep -c 'word' /path/to/file
Pass the -n option to precede each line of output with the number of the line in the text file
$ grep -n 'root' /etc/passwd
Ignore word case
$ grep -i 'word' /path/to/file
Use grep recursively under each directory
$ grep -r
Each application contains it's own log record format.
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