This post will give all the steps for creating LDAP from Apache Directory Studio. Here post will be using Apache Directory Studio 1.5.3 version.

1. Create LDAP Server


2. Start server

3. Create the Connection

(for the default instance of the Apache directory server, user name is ‘uid=admin,ou=system’ and the Bind password is ‘secret’)


4. Then browser LDPA by click on the connection.(If the connection is successfully established, you should see an outline of the Directory Information Tree (DIT) in the LDAP Browser view)


5. Right-click on the  node ou or dc and select New|New Entry. The New Entry wizard appears.


6. In the Entry Creation Method pane, select the Create entry from scratch radiobutton. Click Next.


7. Find the organizationalUnit object. Select it then click Add.


8.  Click Next. On the RDN field enter ou. On the value field enter ‘Groups. The DN Preview should like below

(Distinguished Name (dn), The Parent field should same like below)


9. Click Next. The Attributes window will appear. Examine the values.


10 . Do the same for Users as below



Now some users (Staff)

We'll place their personal information under the ou=users; whereas we'll place their authorization levels under the ou=groups.
Let's start with the ou=users. We'll be adding new user called ‘madhuka’. Person using theinetOrgPerson object.

The inetOrgPerson[1] object class is a general purpose object class that holds attributes about people.

11. Right-click the ou=Users entry. Select New. Select New Entry


12. Select Create entry from scratch. Click Next.

13. Find inetOrgPerson object. Select it then click Add.


14. On the RDN field enter cn. On the value field enter madhuka.

(If ‘dn’ not added defaults, you need to enter a Distinguished Name (dn).)


15. Under the sn attribute, enter ‘udantha’(sn stands for Surname)

16. You need to add a username for this user. Right-click on the same window. Select New Attribute. TheAttribute Type window will appear.

17. On the Attribute type field, enter uid. click for finsh


18. We need to add a password for this user. Right-click on the same window. Select New Attribute. The Attribute Type window will appear.

19. On the Attribute type field, enter userPassword.

20 . You will be asked to enter a password. Enter pass as the new password. Make sure that the Select Hash Method is set to SHA


Add the Groups (Authorization Levels)

21. Same like above steps we select ‘New Entry’ and ‘Create entry from scratch

22. In ‘Object Classes’ window we will pick ‘groupOfNames’, Select it then click Add.


23. RDN field enter cn. On the value field enter ‘admin’

24. As we pcik ‘groupOfNames’ we will have member field and for that value we make double click

24. Then DN edit will come and then browser for the user that we need.


25. Field will be picked as ‘cn=madhuka,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com’ (If you have few member you can add you can add some groups as well).

26. Here is LDAP Browser panel. Expand the Root DSE folder.



(If you pick ‘uniqueMember by slectinggroupOfUniqueNames’ object. A uniqueMember attribute. We'll be placing the Distinguished Name (dn) of our users in this entry. One uniqueMember attribute will represents one user.)




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We used have  Singleton Design Pattern in our applications whenever it is needed. As we know that in singleton design pattern we can create only one instance and can access in the whole application. But in some cases, it will break the singleton behavior.

There are mainly 3 concepts which can break singleton property of a singleton class in java. In this post, we will discuss how it can break and how to prevent those.

Here is sample Singleton class and SingletonTest class.

Microservices can have a positive impact on your enterprise. Therefore it is worth to know that, how to handle Microservice Architecture (MSA) and some Design Patterns for Microservices. General goals or principles for a microservice architecture. Here are the four goals to consider in Microservice Architecture approach [1].

Reduce Cost: MSA will reduce the overall cost of designing, implementing, and maintaining IT services.

Last few years has been a great year for API Gateways and API companies. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are allowing businesses to expand beyond their enterprise boundaries to drive revenue through new business models. Larger enterprises are adopting API paradigm — developing many internal and external services that developers connect to in order to create user-facing products.

kubectl (Kubernetes command-line tool) is to deploy and manage applications on Kubernetes. Using kubectl, you can inspect cluster resources; create, delete, and update components.


You must use a kubectl version that is within one minor version difference of your cluster. If not you may see errors as below


WSO2 Enterprise Integrator is shipped with a separate message broker profile (WSO2 MB). In this Post I will be using message broker profile in EI (6.3.0).

1) Setting up the message broker profile

1.1) Copy the following JAR files from the <EI_HOME>/wso2/broker/client-lib/ directory to the <EI_HOME>/lib/ directory.

When two or many applications want to exchange data, they do so by sending the data through a channel that connects the each others. The application sending the data may not know which application will receive the data, but by selecting a particular channel to send the data on, the sender knows that the receiver will be one that is looking for that sort of data by looking for it on that channel.

Microservices are going completely over the enterprise and changed the way people write software within an enterprise ecosystem.

Let build you microservices with msf4j for Auto Mobile.

The SMPP inbound endpoint allows you to consume messages from SMSC via WSO2 ESB OR EI.

1.  Start SMSC

2.  Create custom inbound end point with below parameter. (Make sure you pick correct system-id and password correct for your SMSC)

3. Create Sequence for Inbound EP.

4. Once ESB or EI start.

WSO2 APIM Components

WSO2 API Manager includes five main components as the Publisher, Store, Gateway, Traffic Manager and Key Manager.

API Gateway - responsible for securing, protecting, managing, and scaling API calls. it intercepts API requests and applies policies such as throttling and security checks. It is also instrumental in gathering API usage statistics.
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