We come with we new server side scripting called jaggery. We introduce new file extension for that '.jss'
When I an developing application from jaggery. I used Eclipse as my jaggery IDE. It is hava javascritpe code so I used to open it.
By Right click on file --> open with --> java scripte editor.
So Now I have lot of file with .jss
I do not like to do this for 100 of my .jss files.
So I just need to ONE click on my jss files and want to start with javascripte editor.
Here I post on how to make my eclipse to open my jaggery files (jss files)
Window—> Preferences
Then in “Preferences” windows go to Editors --> File Associations
and Click on “Add” button to add new file type
In that pop up windows type “*.jss” in File type and then click “ok” to add it.
Now select *.jss that we enter in file type then in blow you will see emplty box of Associated editors
In there click "Add" and pick the
Click OK,
Work is complete.
Now we can open .jss file (jaggery files) from Eclipse just by one click with java script syntax high lighting.
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