I am doing some html5 web app developments and I need to check some work in Android Tab, But I do not have one. I testing all in my iphone 4. It is really OK,
I love command prompt a lot, in windows (Normally other do not like it much, cmd teach me a lot). even I like linux terminal, It do all for me.:)
I will tell you make Android Emulator on CMD. I am in windows 7.
You shuld need Android SDk and manger for this http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Download it,
go to 'Android\android-sdk\tools' in my one 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools' by cmd
and type "emulator -avd <name>" eg:
emulator -avd Phone
wow, It loaded!!
play with it,
Here is phone too
Where is this Phone that I am calling, It was create before hand and it is reside in my PC at “C:\Users\Madhuka\.android\avd”
To make Android Phone go to start --> type 'SDK' go to Android SDk Manager
in there go to Virtual Devices--> click new and have what type you need.
enjoy it.
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